Teaching & Supervision

I teach and supervise mostly in the graduate program in Bio-management, with courses including Research Design and Value Chain. I also teach undergraduate students in Agriculture Engineering (Sociology of Agriculture, Agricultural Policies) and Biology Programs (Ethnobotany).


Undergraduate courses

  • Sociology of agriculture
  • Agricultural policies and regulations
  • Ethnobotany
  • Management in Industrial Biotech

Postgraduate courses

  • Final Project Design
  • Value chain in Bioindustry


Magister Biomanajemen / Masters student in Biomanagement

Adzani Ghani Ilmannafi’an. Resilience of Cieunteung rural community in the face of floods. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2014 (graduated).

Reina Yulianti. Vegetation management along the green corridors connecting two recreational parks in Bandung. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2014 (graduated).

Aulia Rahmah. Sustainability of agri-food supply chains: a case of chili pepper in West Java. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2015 (graduated).

Ine Riswanti. Creating a sustainable luwak coffee through an integration of animal welfare standards. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2015 (graduated).

Mentari Qorina Alwasilah. Perceptions of organic among vegetable farmers in Bandung. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2016 (graduated).

Dikdik Permadi. Re-embedding meanings on Geographical Indications: A case from Gayo coffee, Indonesia. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2017.

Mochammad Fikry Pratama. Management of community-based local fruit production and conservation for food and nutritional security. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2017.

Luthfi Dwimulya. Evaluating the implementation of urban farming program in the city of Bandung. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2017.

Muhammad Maulana Sidik. Exploring agro-digital futures in Indonesia. Master’s Student in Biomanagement. 2018.

Sarjana Rekayasa pertanian / Undergraduate students in Agricultural Engineering

Desain pertanian kota dengan sumberdaya terbatas / Urban farming design with limited resources [currently 7 students in two groups]

Sarjana Biologi / Undergraduate students in Biology

Pemetaan potensi penyediaan pangan di kota Bandung dan daerah penyokongnya / Mapping the potential for food provision in Bandung and its surrounding areas [currently 2 students in one group]